

The second fundamental part of Hadoop is the MapReduce layer. This is made up of two sub components:
  • An API for writing MapReduce workflows in Java.
  • A set of services for managing the execution of these workflows.


The basic premise is this:
  1. Map tasks perform a transformation.
  2. Reduce tasks perform an aggregation.
Example : counting of playing cards by 4 persons and aggregating the result.

Notice that the output to a map and reduce task is always a KEY, VALUE pair. You always output exactly one key, and one value. The input to a reduce is KEY, ITERABLE[VALUE]. Reduce is called exactly once for each key output by the map phase. The ITERABLE[VALUE] is the set of all values output by the map phase for that key.
Counter intuitively, one of the most important parts of a MapReduce job is what happens between map and reduce, there are 3 other stages; Partitioning, Sorting, and Grouping. In the default configuration, the goal of these intermediate steps is to ensure this behavior; that the values for each key are grouped together ready for the reduce() function. APIs are also provided if you want to tweak how these stages work (like if you want to perform a secondary sort).
Here’s a diagram of the full workflow to try and demonstrate how these pieces all fit together, but really at this stage it’s more important to understand how map and reduce interact rather than understanding all the specifics of how that is implemented.
What’s really powerful about this API is that there is no dependency between any two of the same task. To do it’s job amap() task does not need to know about other map task, and similarly a single reduce() task has all the context it needs to aggregate for any particular key, it does not share any state with other reduce tasks.
Taken as a whole, this design means that the stages of the pipeline can be easily distributed to an arbitrary number of machines. Workflows requiring massive datasets can be easily distributed across hundreds of machines because there are no inherent dependencies between the tasks requiring them to be on the same machine.

MapReduce API Resources

If you want to learn more about MapReduce (generally, and within Hadoop) I recommend you read the Google MapReduce paper, the Apache MapReduce documentation, or maybe even the hadoop book. Performing a web search for MapReduce tutorials also offers a lot of useful information.
To make things more interesting, many projects have been built on top of the MapReduce API to ease the development of MapReduce workflows. For example Hive lets you write SQL to query data on HDFS instead of Java. 

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